Truly Present

Although Jesus is ever-present everywhere, we are blessed and invited to be most intimately united with him when we receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We can choose to be prepared for this encounter with the real and true Christ or treat the encounter casually. We are free to accept the invitation or to let the grace slip by unreceived.

The time after Holy Communion is the most intimate and valuable time we have with Jesus; it is like no other time even while Jesus is everywhere and in all things! It is during this time that if we are disposed to the full measure of grace, we are truly united with Jesus as is asked in a spiritual communion :

“I unite myself wholly to You. Never let me be separated from You.”

Here in this special moment of grace and unity, we can truly rest in Jesus, and thank him for his gift of self and He can find joy in our gift of self. Many people use this time to ask Jesus for any number of things and it can be a great moment of inner healing, strength, or literally just rest, peace, or great joy! We can pour out our prayers for those most dear to us. But perhaps we can start simply by saying “Thank you” and sit in communion with Jesus. I cannot express enough how precious are these few moments.




Jesus in the Tabernacle